Scale: 1/350

Manufacturer: Zvezda
Parts used: Out Of The Box
Main paints used: Tamiya and Xtream Metals

In part one, we look at the build ahead and then start work on the construction of the hull and bring that together.

In part two, we look at the seams and the different ways to deal with them from sanding to seam scrapping and then polishing before filling with Mr surfacers.

In part three, it’s more sanding and then filling, filling and sanding until we get it right and move into the spray booth to get a coat of primer on to see if it was all worth it.

In part four, we take care of a few ghost seams and finally get the final prime on and can start on the paintwork with the lower hull red coat that a mix of Tamiya X-& red XF- 85 Black and XF-55 Deck Tan.

In Part five, it’s time to get the black and blue paintwork on the top hull. We use a mix of colors to break up the solid look of the paintwork. Next in with a metal scrub to start the weathering before sealing and clear coating ready for decals.

In part six, we decal the Delta and take our time to get the white water line ass straight as possible. After a clear coat to seal in the decals we start on the withering with the Flory models Grey wash and look at the ways to get some great weathering effects.

In this final part, we continue the weathering with oils to add some finer details and add the coning tower sensors all ready for the final reveal