Battlestar Galactica
Scale: 1/4105

Manufacturer: Moebius
Parts used: Out Of The Box
Main paints used: Tamiya and Hataka

In part one, we work on the construction of the front and midsection of the ship.

In part two, we carry on with the construction and finish off the midsection and work on the landing bays and then build the rear engine section.

In part three, we finish off the construction and take care of a few small gaps with a surfacer and then it’s into the spray booth where we put down a primer coat of Mr surfacer Primer 1000

In part four, we stay in the spray booth and put down a coat of MRP Light grey FS.36622 MRP-104. Next back to the bench for the decal, this doesn’t go well and we end up using pens to do the red markings.

In part five, we move on with the weathering with Flory models Dark dirt wash. and then use a light grey oils to dry brush the entire model and blend the wash to add shadow and highlights to the surface.

In part Six, we add detail by picking out small areas with POSCA pens with white, reds, gold and silvers. Last up the stand, so first a satin black and then gold and chrome Molotow pens.