Discovery XD-1
Scale: 1/144

Manufacturer: Mobius
Parts used: Out Of The Box
Main paints used: Tamiya and Hataka

In part one, we look at the build ahead and start the construction of the 60 cargo pods and then the forward part of the ship and the engine sections

In Part two, we finish off the construction working on the engine section and the communication dishes and the spine sections.

In part three, we finish off the construction and then move into the spray booth and prime up the model with Mr Primer Surfacer 1000 and then have a good look and fix a few small problems before putting down the basic ship colour with a mix of Tamiya XF-2 and XF-55 with self leveling thinners.

In part four, we work on the panel colours and masking those and then start the weathering with the Flory models Grey weathering wash.

In part Five, we tack the weathering up a step and use oil washes to enhance the details and use Posca pens to add fine details over the model.

In the final part, we further weather with oils both neat and thinned with thinners and bring it all together for the final reveal.