Bowcaster Star Wars
Scale: 1/1
Manufacturer: Garage Kit
Parts used: Scratch Built
Main paints used: Tamiya and Xtreme Metal

In part one, we look at the build ahead and working with resin garage kits in general. We then start the cleanup and the different fillers and start the sanding.

In part two, it’s all about sanding and filling and sanding but we do get to get some car primer on and add the front and pin into place.

In part three, we start the construction and quickly have a joint fail and have to move quickly to get the front end together. we then replace the bolts with real ones to add detail and then it’s back into the spray bay to get the black paint coat on.

In part four we move into the paint stage and use gloss black all over followed by Mr. Metal color Dark Iron to gibe the heavy metal look to the prop. Then it’s time to assemble everything and start on the weathering with chip and scrap effects and the washes to weather the prop in, to get the use look.